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Etter gjennomføring av dette kurset vil du ha et solidt forstå g av Forex markedet og Forex trading og du vil da være klar til å utvikle seg til å lære Forex trading strategier å lære å handle på Forex i to timer Bezdepozitny Bonus når du åpner kontoen på Forex Lær å Trade Forex er en omfattende, nettbasert opplæringsprogram designet for å lære investorer hvordan man kan forstå valutakurser og faktorer som driver markedet, er hvor banker, bedrifter, regjeringer, investorer og handelsmenn kommer til å bytte og spekulere på valutaer. Dette nybegynnerkurset vil også dekke grunnleggende om handlingshandelen handel, forex kartlegging, teknisk analyse, handlerpsykologi og mange andre viktige emner Hei handelsfolk, Dette gratis Forex mini-kurset er designet for å lære deg grunnleggende om Forex markedet og Forex trading på en ikke-kjedelig måte INNLEDNING TIL FOREX TRADING KAPITELER Forex Day Trader Salary Lær å Trade Forex er et omfattende, nettbasert treningsprogram designet for å lære investorer hvordan man forstår valutakurser og de faktorene som kjøre Nå tar meglerplatformene alle disse avgangene fra de forskjellige bankene, og sitatene vi ser fra vår megler er et omtrentlig gjennomsnitt av dem. Ved ferdigstillelsen av dette nybegynnerforex kurset vil du være klar til å begynne å studere min Professional Forex Trading Course Order Types Og beregning av fortjeneste handel er i stedet sagt å bli gjennomført i disken det er ikke som aksjer der det er en sentral markedsplass med alle ordrer behandlet som NYSE Online trading pokemon spill Så her er historien om Forex markedet i et nøtteskall I 1876, noe som kalles gullutvekslingsstandarden, ble implementert. Candlestick Charting Explained - Introduksjon til Candlestick Analysis. An Introduction to Candlesticks. Det finnes to typer måter å analysere prisen på en aksje, grunnleggende analyse og teknisk analyse. Fundamentalanalyse brukes til å måle pris på en aksje basert på de grunnleggende egenskapene til aksjen, for eksempel prisinntekter, Return on Invest, og tilknyttet økonomisk statistikk. Teknisk analyse handler mer om den psykologiske delen av handel med aksjer, og påvirkes mest av emosjonalitet. Den tekniske analytikeren søker å svare på spørsmålet hvordan ser andre handelsmenn på denne aksjen, og hvordan vil det påvirke prisen i umiddelbar fremtid. Som du vil se, er lysestaken diagrammet den mest effektive måten å måle andre handelsmenn på. Historien om lysestake-diagrammer. Japansk var den første som brukte teknisk analyse for å handle en av verdens første ris futures markeder på 1600-tallet En japansk mann med navnet Homma som handlet futures markeder på 1700-tallet oppdaget at selv om det var kobling mellom forsyning og etterspørsel av risen, var markedene også sterkt påvirket av handelsmenns følelser. at han kunne dra nytte av å forstå følelsene for å bidra til å forutsi fremtidige priser. Han skjønte at det kunne være en stor forskjell mellom verdi og pris på ris. Dette di Forskjellen mellom verdi og pris er like gyldig i dag med aksjer, som det var med ris i Japan for hundre år siden. Prinsippene som Homma har fastslått for å måle markedets følelser i et lager er grunnlaget for Lysestake Diagramanalysen, som vi presenterer i dette seminaret. Japanese Lysestake vs Western Bar Chart. Western bar chart består av fire deler komponenter, åpne, høye, lave og lukkede. Den vertikale linjen viser høy og lav av økten, mens den venstre horisontale linjen representerer den åpne og den høyre horisontale linje representerer den nærtliggende figuren. 1. Den japanske lysestake-linjen Figur 2 bruker de samme dataene åpne, høye, lave og i nærheten av å lage en mye mer visuell grafikk for å skildre hva som skjer med aksjen. Den tykke delen av lysestaken kalles den virkelige kroppen. Det representerer rekkevidden mellom øktens åpnings - og sluttkurs. Hvis den virkelige kroppen er rød, betyr det at øktenes slutt var lavere enn den åpne. Hvis den virkelige kroppen er grønn, betyr det at den Lukk var høyere enn det åpne Linjene over og under kroppen er skyggene Skyggene representerer øktens pris ekstremer Skyggen over den virkelige kroppen kalles den øvre skyggen og skyggen under den virkelige kroppen kalles den nedre skyggen. Den øvre skyggen er dagens høyde og bunnen av den nedre skyggen er lav av dagen. Figur 2. En av de viktigste forskjellene mellom den vestlige linjen og den japanske lysestake-linjen er forholdet mellom åpne og lukkede priser den vestlige legger størst vekt på sluttkursen på en aksje i forhold til tidligere perioder. Den japanske legger høyeste betydning på tett når det gjelder åpning samme dag. Du kan se hvorfor Lysestake-linjen og dens høyt grafiske representasjon av Det åpne for nært forhold er et uunnværlig verktøy for den japanske handelsmannen. For å illustrere forskjellen, sammenlign det daglige diagrammet som er tegnet med Western Lines Figur 3 med nøyaktig samme c Hart plottet med japanske lysestake linjer Figur 4 I den vestlige linjediagrammet som med det japanske lysestake-diagrammet, er det enkelt å tolke den generelle trenden på aksjene, men noter hvor mye enklere det er å tolke endring i følelser på en daglig basis ved å se endringen i ekte kroppsfarge i det japanske lysestake-diagrammet. Traders s Sentiment. En av de største verdiene i lysestaken diagrammet er evnen til å lese markedsstemning angående et lager. For å illustrere vurdere følgende eksempel på et aksje som handles fra øynene av en vestlig karthandler og deretter fra øynene til en lysestake kart trader. Western Chart Trader. At slutten av dag s økt du observerer at aksjene lukket godt over inngangsprisen 2, noe som etterlater deg veldig godt med din handel. Etter avsluttende dag 2 åpner du den finansielle delen av papiret og kontrollerer sluttkursen på aksjene og observerer at ikke bare er aksjen godt over oppgangsprisen din, men har også vunnet litt det Det er verdt å nevne at de fleste vestlige avisene kun publiserer avsluttende priser, mens japanske papirer publiserer både åpnings - og sluttpriser. På dag 3 åpner du og avisen for å sjekke tingene og merker en liten dukkert i aksjekursen din, men du blir ikke panikk fordi du er fortsatt godt i pengene. Du overbeviser deg selv om at aksjen bare har dyppet litt i forhold til inngangsdagen nær dag 1, og bør gjenoppta sin trend på neste dag. På dag 4, sjekker du tett og legger merke til at aksjen har falt betydelig i forhold til tidligere dager i nærheten. Du er nå opptatt av å beskytte fortjenesten som du tidligere hadde bragged om bare dager før. I begynnelsen av dag 6, ringer du megleren eller logger deg på din online trading konto og plasserer et marked Bestil å selge ved første mulighet. På dag 5 markeder åpner aksjen kraftig lavere og fortsetter å falle. Din ordre blir utført til en pris flere poeng under hvor du gikk inn. Du skyver deretter handelen som en u forutsigbar ulykke og gå videre til neste handel. Kanskje det er en lysestake-diagramhandel som handler med samme lysestokkdiagram. Figur 6.I begynnelsen av Dag 1 går du inn i lageret basert på en lysestake-mønsteroppføring signal vi vil diskutere ordreoppføringer i detalj sistnevnte i denne enheten. I slutten av dagens økt observerer du at aksjene stengte godt over inngangsprisen 2 som gir deg svært godt innhold med handelen din, men flytter deg også til en tilstand av forsiktighet for tegn på endring i trend eller reversering. Etter dagens dag 2 følger du lysestaken som er dannet for dagen og legger merke til at den virkelige kroppen er liten, noe som tyder på at det var en krigsdrap mellom bjørnene og oksene. Du Vær også oppmerksom på at den virkelige kroppen er lest i farger som indikerer at aksjene er lukket lavere enn den åpne, noe som tyder på at oksene faktisk mistet krigshandlen til bjørnene. På grunnlag av disse observasjonene konkluderer du at det hausseiske rallyet på aksjen har opphørt, og det bullish akseptet av markedet om aksjen endrer seg. Du bestemte deg for å selge posisjonen din på dagene i nærheten, eller på markedet åpen neste dag for å låse inn fortjenesten din. Hvis dette var en aksje i midten av en generell nedtrend, kan du bestemme deg for å kortføre lageret under dagens lys 2 bearish lysestake. Som du kan se lysestaken diagrammet trader har fordelen over den vestlige karthandler ved at han kan bruke signaler generert i hvert lysestake til hjelp forutse de skiftende følgene av markedet om en aksje. Den åpne for nært forhold avslørt i lysestaken er mer effektivt enn nært forhold som ofte brukes av vestlige handelsfolk. Leverandør og etterspørsel. En aksjekurs vil justere til høyere eller lavere priser basert strengt på tilbuds - og etterspørselsprinsipper. I figur 7 er vist et diagram av et grønt lysestake. Den grønne fargen på lysestaken indikerer at sluttkursen på aksjen på slutten av dagen er høyere en åpningspris i begynnelsen av dagen. Som du vil se, gir lysestaken sin farge og størrelse svært viktige spor om HANDELSFØRINGENS SENTIMENT mot en bestemt lager s fremtidige pris. Merknad at næringsdrivendes følelse er nøkkel setningen her i kortsiktig handel, er det avgjørende for næringsdrivende å ha en klar forståelse av hva andre handelsfolk tenker. Som du vil se, er den mest direkte måten å få den forståelsen på, gjennom riktig tolkning av lysestaken. Se på et eksempel I figur 8 er vist et lysestake av XYZ Company, som åpnet klokken 25 og lukkes ved 25 3 8. Lysestaken er grønn i fargen, noe som gir oss et raskt visuelt signal om at aksjekursen har steget høyere i denne perioden. Hvordan kan vi bruke dette informasjon for å hjelpe oss å forstå hva andre handelsfolk tenker Å svare på dette spørsmålet, vil vi følge lysestaken s forandringer trinn for trinn for å forstå mekanismen som driver aksjekursen for å flytte høyere. I figur 8 ser vi stoc k åpner kl. 25 og ringer deretter raskt til 25 1 8 Årsaken til at prisen beveger seg til 25 1 8 er fordi det er stor etterspørsel å kjøpe aksjene på 25 1 8, og en mangel på selgere som tilbyr aksjer på 25 1 8.Når alle aksjene som er tilgjengelige på 25 1 8 er oppryddet, går den neste gruppen av selgere opp for å tilby sine aksjer på 25 1 4 Alle 25 1 4 aksjene blir raskt snappet opp fordi det fortsatt er et større antall handelsmenn villig til å kjøpe på 25 1 4 enn selgere som er villige til å selge aksjer på 25 1 4.Når 25 1 4 aksjer er borte, går den neste gruppen av selgere opp for å tilby sine aksjer på 25 3 8 25 3 8 aksjen er raskt snappet Også denne prosessen vil gjenta seg selv til kjøperne mistet interessen for å kjøpe aksjene, noe som resulterte i en reduksjon av etterspørselen. Resultatet av å kombinere disse trinnene er et grønt lysestake med en åpningskurs på 25, rallying til en sluttkurs på 25 3 8.I løpet av rallyperioden vil imidlertid den stakkars lysestaken leseren kunne observere den lange grønne fargen på boksen dlestick, og utlede at kjøperefterspørselen er høy. Nå er det bare en grunn til at handelsmenn vil øke etterspørselen ved å øke kjøpet, og det er fordi de tror at aksjen vil gå opp i nær fremtid. Så ved å observere lysestaken farge og størrelse, kan den stakkars lysestaken leser nøyaktig hva andre handelsmenn tenker, og det er at de tror at aksjekursen vil gå høyere i fremtiden. I figur 9 10 viser vi et eksempel på hvordan det samme prinsippet i revers gjelder for analysene av et rødt lysestake. Årsaken til at prisen beveger seg til 25 1 4 er fordi det er mange selgere som ønsker å avlaste lageret til 25 1 4, og et lavt antall kjøpere som er villige til å kjøpe på 25 1 4.Alle alle av kjøperne har kjøpt aksjen på 25 1 4, går den neste gruppen av kjøpere opp for å by på lager til den laveste prisen på 25 1 8. De desperate selgerne selger raskt all aksjen på 25 1 8, og deretter den neste sett av kjøpere steg opp til en pris av 25. Denne prosessen vil gjenta seg selv inntil alle selgerne har lastet ned alle de aksjene de vil selge, noe som resulterer i en reduksjon av tilbudet. Resultatet er et rødt lysestake med en åpningskurs på 25 3 8, og faller til en sluttkurs på 25 prisfall, men den stakkars lysestaken leseren vil være i stand til å observere den lange røde fargen på lysestaken, og utlede at etterspørselen etter aksjen er lav. Nå er det bare en grunn til at handelsmenn vil øke tilbudet av lager for å selge, og at er fordi de tror at aksjen vil gå ned i nær fremtid. Ved å observere lysestaken farge og størrelse, er den stakkars lysestaken leser i stand til å utlede nøyaktig hva andre handelsmenn tenker, og det er at de tror at aksjekursen vil gå lavere i fremtiden. Kjør på Grådighet, Selg på Frykt. Det er bare to krefter bak forsynings - og etterspørselsstyrker som driver en aksjes pris høyere eller lavere. Disse kreftene er de følelsesmessige kreftene av frykt og grådighet. For å illustrere dette poenget refererer vi til dette punktet. til figur 11.Supp siden du er en handelsmann som observerer det bullish holdet av Stock XYZ i begynnelsen av 3. bullish grønn lysestake og vurderer en oppføring. Du har sett stockstocken stor i løpet av to dager og vet at hver handelsmann som gikk inn i de to første dagene, er nå en stor vinner. Basert på følelsen av grådighet, bestemmer du deg for å komme inn i begynnelsen av de 3 dagene, og mentalt telle fortjenesten når prisen trekkes sammen til en ny high. After lageret lukker, skryter du til dine venner på golfen kurs om den store handel som du har gjort den dagen. Du går hjem fra golfbanen og feirer seieren med din ektefelle og kanskje diskutere hvordan du vil bruke de ekstra pengene du har tjent gjennom handel. Nå husk at overskuddet er bare på papir og ikke en krone har blitt opptjent ennå. Neste morgen sjekker du prisen på posisjonen din med forventning om at ditt bullish lager vil rakett til månen. Nå forestill deg følelsene som går gjennom tankene dine når ikke bare din stilling unnlater å gå høyere, men åpner også under inngangsprisen. Hva er følelsene som strømmer gjennom kroppen din, ettersom du ikke bare ser fortjenesten din forverre for øynene dine, men nå røve din konto av verdifull kapital. Følelsen du vil oppleve er utvilsomt frykter og vil be deg om å kryptere for å likvide posisjonen din så snart som mulig for å minimere tapene dine. Nå vurderer at det også var 2 eller 3 tusen ekstra handelsmenn som gikk inn på samme lager til omtrent samme pris med håp om å vinne samme fortjeneste. Alle disse handlerne vil snike seg over seg selv og prøver å komme seg ut av aksjen. Som ble illustrert i forrige avsnitt, resulterer denne økningen i frykt i en økning i lagerforsyningen i forhold til økningen i etterspørsel og utløsere den kraftige nedgangen i prisen. Jo dypere den røde lysestaken kutter seg inn i de bullish grønne lysestakeene, jo mer handlende blir kastet i å miste posisjoner, og dermed jo lenger prisfallet. Kanskje du er begynt for å innse kraften i følelser i prisbevegelser på en aksje. Den tekniske analytikeren gjennom lysestake leser er opplært for å lese denne grådighet og frykt følelser i markedet og kapitalisere på dem. Kapitalisering på frykt og grådighet. Fra den foregående delen bestemte vi oss at prisendringene skyldes massive følelser av frykt og grådighet om traderens stilling i markedet med en gitt lager. Å anerkjenne fotsporene av grådighet og frykt er ikke vanskelig. Å erkjenne tegnene at rally eller nedgang før det skjer, er den vanskelige delen av handelen Hvor mange ganger har denne situasjonen skjedd med deg Du går inn i en handel basert på et bullish reverseringssignal, men så avslutter du på en liten trekk tilbake bare for å se aksjeløpet til en ny høy etter at du har gått ut. Eller hvor ofte har du holdt fast på en lager som opplever en bearish trekker seg tilbake i håp om at den vil vende seg, bare for å se aksjemarkedet plummet til nye nedturer før du endelig innrømmer å beseire og avslutte. Dessverre er det ingen system tha t kan forutsi med 100 nøyaktighet nøyaktig hvor en grådighet rally eller frykt selge begynner Det er imidlertid teknikker basert på lysestake mønstre som hjelper oss å finne sannsynlige områder for disse vendepunktene Resten av denne delen vil utforske teknikkene for å identifisere de sannsynlige områdene som riktig styrt vil resultere i fortjeneste for handelsmannen på lang sikt. Vedkjenne reverseringssignaler. Kast et baseball rett opp i luften Når ballen nærmer seg toppen av prosjektilbanen, vil den avta til en hastighet på null, og deretter reversere nedover og plukke opp Hastighet når den nærmer seg bakken. Nå forestill deg at du borer inn i et treverk. Du plutselig treffer et hardt sted i skogen, når det kommer til å falle med all din styrke for å overvinne den midlertidige motstanden som oppstår av knuten i skogen. Når du trenge inn i knuten du springer fremover og raskt poke gjennom til den andre siden. Disse er to analogier som hjelper til med å forklare mønstrene av aksjer som de overgår mellom ett trekk og neste gang. Når en aksje fullfører et trekk, opplever det en periode med retardasjon, som refereres til av chartist som priskonsolidering. Konsolidering er en av de viktigste signalene om at en aksje skal begynne et nytt trekk. kan være en fortsettelse i samme retning, eller det kan være en reversering i motsatt retning. Konsolideringsområdet representerer en kampsone hvor bjørnene er i krig med oksene. Utfallet av kampen definerer ofte retningen til neste flytte. Som kortsiktige forhandlere er det viktig å identifisere disse områdene for konsolidering og inngå en handel akkurat som det nye flyttet begynner. I konsolideringsperioden eller kampsonen, handler handelsmenn, både lange og korte, tålmodig på sidelinjen for å lære utfallet av kampen. Som disse vinnerne dukker opp, er det ofte en kryptering av handelsfolk som hopper inn med det vinnende teamet. Lysestake-mønstrene gir handelsmannen gode ledetråder når dette trekket skal finne sted, og h Elper handelsmannen sin inngang, slik at han kan komme inn helt i begynnelsen. Det er fire forskjellige konsolideringsmønstre som er opptatt av stocks. They er 1 Bearish Continuation, 2 Bullish Continuation, 3 Bearish Reversal, 4 Bullish Reversal. Bearish Continuation Consolidation Pattern. Sveile sterke bearish lysestaker går foran Bearish Fortsatt mønster hvor bjørnene er tydelig i kontroll. Figur 12.Bærene og oksene begynner da å kjempe ved å skyve lageret opp og ned i pris i en tett formet konsolideringssone. Smalestørrelsen på lysestakerne mot en støttelinje indikerer at bjørnene vinner kampen. Bullene forverres til slutt og lar bjørnene trenge inn i støttelinjen, da bjørnene raskt erobrer nytt territorium ved å ta aksjene til lavere priser. Ved å gjenkjenne konsolideringsmønsteret Trader er i stand til å kortføre aksjene like etter at lageret bryter støttelinjen, og fortjener den skarpe bevegelsen nedover. Årsaken til at e skarp avsalg er drevet av følelsene av handelsmennene ser på utfallet av kampen. Traders som kjøpte aksjen i konsolideringsområdet i håp om et rally av støtte, er nå scrambling for å avslutte sine tapende stillinger. Traders som er kort fra perioden før konsolideringsområdet er klar over at deres opprinnelige oppføringer var korrekte og legger til deres vinnende posisjoner. Den Bullish Reversal Consolidation Pattern. Several sterke bearish lysestaker foran det Bullish Reversal Continuation mønsteret hvor bjørnene er tydelig i kontroll. Figur 13.Bærene og oksene begynner da å kjempe ved å skyve aksjene opp og ned i pris i en tett formet konsolideringssone. Innsnevring av lysestakerne mot en linje mot oppadgående motstand som indikerer at oksene vinner territorium fra bjørnene. Bjørnene til slutt svekke og la oksene trenge inn i motstandsrøret, da oksene raskt overvinne nytt territorium ved å ta lager til høyere priser. Ved å gjenkjenne konsolideringsmønsteret kan handelsmannen kjøpe aksjene like etter at lageret bryter motstanden, og dra nytte av den skarpe bevegelsen oppover. Årsaken til rallyet blir drevet av følelsene som handelsmenn ser på for utfallet av kampen. Supplerende handelsmenn som hopper inn for å kjøpe aksjene nå når styrken er bekreftet, brenner den skarpe oppadgående bevegelsen. Tradere som for tiden er korte aksjene i konsolideringsområdet og venter på et sammenbrudd, er nå scrambling for å dekke sine korte posisjoner. Denne kjøpsaksjonen brenner også brannen som skyver aksjen til høyere priser. Bearish Reversal Consolidation Pattern. Alle sterke bullish lysestaker går foran Bearish Reversal Continuation mønsteret der tyrene er tydelig i kontroll. Figur 14.Bærene og okser begynner da å kjempe ved å skyve aksjene opp og ned i pris i en tett formet konsolideringssone. Innsnevring av lysestakerne mot en støttelinje indikerer at bjørnene vinne kampen. Bullene forverres til slutt og lar bjørnene trenge gjennom støttelinjen, da bjørnen raskt erobrer nytt territorium ved å ta aksjene til lavere priser. Ved å anerkjenne konsolideringsmønsteret er handelsmannen i stand til å selge kort aksjene like etter at lageret bryter støttelinjen og dra nytte av den skarpe spissen nedover. Supplerende handelsmenn som hopper inn for å korte aksjene nå når svakheten er bekreftet, brenner den skarpe selgeren av. Traders, hvem er for tiden lenge aksjen i konsolideringsområdet venter i håp om en sammenbrudd, er nå kryptert for å selge sine lange posisjoner. Denne salgsaksjonen brenner også brannen som skyver aksjene til lavere priser. Bullish Continuation Consolidation Pattern. Alle sterke bullish lysestaker foregår Det Bullish Continuation Consolidation Mønsteret der oksene er tydelig i kontroll Figur 15.Bærene og tyrene begynner da å kjempe ved å skyve lageret opp og ned i pris i en tett formet konsolideringssone. Smalestørrelsen på lysestakerne mot en linje av motstand indikerer at oksene vinner kampen. Bjørkene til slutt svekker og tillater tyrene å trenge inn i motstandslinjen, da tiden tyre raskt erobre nytt territorium ved å ta aksjene til høyere priser. Ved å anerkjenne konsolideringsmønsteret kan handelsmannen kjøpe aksjene like etter at aksjene bryter motstanden, og dra nytte av det skarpe bevegelsen oppover. Årsaken til den sterke salget er drevet av følelsene fra handelsmennene som ser på utfallet av kampen. Tradere som shorted aksjen i konsolideringsområdet i håp om å selge seg i konsolideringsområdet, er nå kryptert for å avslutte sine tapende stillinger. Tradere som er lenge fra perioden før konsolideringsområdet er klar over at deres opprinnelige oppføringer var korrekte og legger til sine vinnende stillinger. Økende oddsene. Som vi lærte i det siste avsnittet, t hans beste handelsmuligheter presenterer seg like etter et gjennombrudd i priskonsolidering. Ikke alle konsolideringsmønstre er imidlertid omsettelige. Det er flere mønstre som øker oddsen i handelen ettersom i ønsket retning. De verktøyene vi presenterer er 1 støtter motstand 2 trender, 3 glidende gjennomsnitt. Støtte og motstand. Støtte og motstand er generelle prisområder som har stoppet bevegelsen av lager i fortiden. Støttelinjer er horisontale linjer som korresponderer med et område hvor lager tidligere sprang. Resistanslinjer er horizontal lines corresponding with an area where stock resisted moving through. Support and resistance lines are used to help access how much the stock price will remove before it is halted. There are two main types of support and resistance 1 Major price support resistance, and 2 Minor price support resistance. Major Price Support Resistance. Major Price Support is an artificial horizontal line represent ing an area where a stocks downward movement was halted to give way to a new upward movement Figure 16.Therefore, the price level is supporting the price of the stock. Similarly, Major Price Resistance is an artificial horizontal line representing an area where a stocks u ward movement was halted to give way to a new downward movement. Therefore, the price level is resisting the price of the stock. When considering a stock as a trading opportunity it is important to note the location of the nearest support and resistance levels. Stocks near areas of support make for better buy opportunities and stocks near areas of resistance make for better short opportunities. In the same way, the trader should be more cautious about shorting stock above areas of support, and buying stock near areas of resistance. Minor Price Support Resistance. Minor Price Support is an artificial horizontal line representing an area, which previously served as price resistance, but has now transformed to price support Fig ure 17.Likewise, Minor Price Resistance is an artificial horizontal line representing an area, which previously served as price support, and has now transformed to price resistance Figure 18.When considering a stock as a trading opportunity it is important to note the location of the nearest support and resistance levels. Stocks near areas of support make for better buy opportunities and stocks near areas of resistance make for better short opportunities. In the same way, the trader should be more cautious about shorting stock above areas of support, and buying stock near areas of resistance. For an in-depth analysis of how minor support resistance works, see the free Educational Section of our main website at. Every stock is in one of three states 1 Up Trend, 2 Down Trend, and 3 Sideways Trend Figure 20.An Up Trend is defined by a series of higher highs and higher lows. A Down Trend is defined by a series of lower highs followed by lower lows. A Sideways Trend is defined by a series of rela tively equal highs and lows. Even the strongest stocks will need a period of rest through a pullback in price or a period of marking time with little to no price movement. A strong stock will often pull back in price as short to medium term traders take their profits off the table, and in the process, increase selling pressure, which will temporarily push the stock lower. A strong stock, after rest will often resume its rally after these slight pullbacks. The trader has better odds in his favor by playing the stock in the direction of the trend. For example, stocks in and up trend can be bought, and stocks in a downtrend can be shorted Figures 21 22.A stock in a sideways pattern can be either bought our shorted if the stock ison strong price support or resistance. In otherwise, the trader should enter long positions only on up trending stocks that have pulled back for rest ready to resume the rally. Likewise, the trader should enter short positions on down trending stocks that have pulled bac k for rest ready to resume the decline. The most basic form of moving average, and the one we recommend to all our traders is called the simple moving average. The simple moving average is the average of closing prices for all price points used. For example, the simple 10 moving average would be defined as follows.10MA P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 10.Where P1 most recent price, P2 second most recent price and so on. The term moving is used because, as the newest data point is added to the moving average, the oldest data point is dropped. As a result, the average is always moving as the newest data is added Moving averages can be used as support and resistance levels. Stocks tend to rebound off of moving averages much in the same way that they rebound off major and minor support and resistance lines. A moving average can be plotted using any period however, the periods that seem to provide the strongest support and resistance for short term trading are the 10MA, 20MA, 50 MA, 100MA and 200MA. Candlestick Line Time Frames. One of the beautiful attributes of the candlestick line is that the same analysis can be applied to multiple time frames. The time frame of a candlestick line is the time duration between the candlestick s opening price and closing price. For example, a daily candlestick chart would consist of candlestick lines with opening prices corresponding with the day s opening price, and closing prices corresponding with the day s closing price Figure 25.A 5-minute candlestick chart would have candlestick lines with time duration of 5 minutes between each candlestick s opening price and closing price. Most good computer charting software allows easy conversion from one time frame to the next. As we will see in latter examples, utilizing several different time frames in viewing a stocks candlesticks pattern is a very effective way to read the underlying sentiments behind a stocks movement. Dissecting a Candlestick. Changing time frames when viewing candlestick patterns is u seful tool when looking for patterns leading up to good trading opportunities. For example, consider the Bullish Harami Pattern that is manifested on the Daily time frame chart Figure 26.The same stock plotted on a 15 min time frame chart shows that the stock is actually setting up for a Bullish Reversal Consolidation pattern. Using the Daily chart and the 15 min chart together make it easier to find possible trade opportunities. For example, the trader can scan for Harami setups on the Daily chart, and then pull up a 15 min chart to confirm the stock is experiencing a consolidation pattern preparing for a break out. Putting it all together. For examples of candlestick patterns please click here. Copyright 2016 Sunset Capital Management Ann Arbor, Michigan. Forex trading bangla book. prokuror Who said A, B says that if it is not torture. Forex trading bangla book. 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Our dear user, if you read this book The Forex Trading Manual, please add our site to review the book We believe that your review will be very helpful to other users, for what they tell you thank you If you have social networking accounts such as Twitter, Facebook, and others, do repost my review. Search The Forex Trading Manual pdf provided by open-source Internet. eToro is one of the largest Forex dealers in Canada, with many thousands of customers The Forex broker o ffers outstanding customer service, an outstanding software platform and lucrative promotions Each eToro account comes with a practice account using real time rates for the purpose of test driving the account to determine if it is the platform for you. eToro also offers one on one trading sessions and a personal training coach to help the trader get their account up and running and headed in the right direction There is also around the clock customer support by telephone or online live chat The support staff is ready to answer questions and solve user problems in an effective and efficient manner. Click Here For More eToro Info. To Get Started. The platform is streamlined to make its use easy and its user friendliness shortens up the learning curve considerably The layout of the trading screen is logical and well labeled with drop down menus to make navigation quick The demonstration account will showcase the platform and users will see how easy the program is to use. An added incentive fro m eToro is a sign up bonus of 10,000 to use in any trade In addition to Forex trades, eToro offers traders the ability to trade gold and silver, oil, indices, stocks and a variety of other options eToro also allows margin calls and leveraged trades. eToro offers a training academy with a wide range of learning tools The information helps traders to learn Forex and what it is all about The learning center is loaded with webinars and learning guides and videos that demonstrate step by step the execution of a trade The available help will assist traders to build a portfolio that is lucrative by developing strategy that is effective. The simplicity of the eToro platform is one of the reasons the program and the traders that use it is successful The platform is flexible and available for home use and traders on the go with its mobile application eToro also utilizes social trading allowing all traders to connect and compare notes, exchange strategies and give and take advice. The best advantage eToro offers is the traders have the ability to learn from each other, copy others traders and follow others trading moves It provides a win win situation for all Traders can be as successful as they want and eToro continues to attract clients and build up their base of highly knowledgable traders. eToro is nothing like the stodgy brokerage firms you may be familiar with The company provides what it calls a social trading platform that connects you with millions of other currency traders Using this social trading platform, you can copy other traders, search for trading gurus, follow other traders and post comments OpenBook is a cross between Facebook and Twitter, but for foreign exchange traders It presents a live feed with buy sell activity as well as a list of the top performers and their gain percentages OpenBook is a great tool for helping new traders monitor the market and learn from others. The market maker broker eToro only requires a minimum deposit of 50 to open an account and a minimum transaction size of 1,000 units per order Leverage ratios vary depending on where you are trading from The U S limits leverage to 50 1, but from other countries, traders can leverage up to 400 1 with eToro However, this forex broker only supports spreads down to two pips, whereas many brokers now go as low as 1 pips eToro does offer Islamic accounts and takes deposits in USD, EUR and GBP. This Fx broker is regulated by numerous regulating agencies in the U K Germany, Denmark, the United States and Australia It can offer cross-border services to members of the European Union Clients from Asia Pacific and Australia trade through IC Markets Ltd, which is licensed by The Australian Securities and Investments Commission ASIC In the U S eToroUSA is operated by Tradonomi LLC, which acts as an introducing broker to Institutional Liquidity ILQ eToroUSA and ILQ are regulated by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission CFTC and are members of the National Futures Association NFA. The trad ing platforms provided by eToro include OpenBook, WebTrader, Copy Me, an Android-based trading platform and Mobile Trader OpenBook is the social networking portion of eToro, which you can use to copy trades and interact with other traders WebTrader synchronizes with OpenBook and provides charting tools and analysis Copy Me allows traders to copy the orders placed by other traders The mobile versions produce live feeds, access to your portfolio, copy tools and more. eToro provides customer support via telephone, email and instant chat Broker offices are located in the Virgin Islands, New York, Cyprus and New South Wales Telephone support is offered in more than fifteen countries, including the United States, Brazil, the United Kingdom, Russia and Malaysia For training, eToro provides what it calls a Trading Academy, which includes webinars, videos, trading tips, eCourses and more. The eToro review is here guide you about one of the most successful forex social trading platforms Read the e Toro review to find out more about the brokerage services, trading conditions, eToro review of the OpenBook platform and much more The eToro review is recommended for the people interested in becoming money managers or just for the ones that are looking for an extra trading inspiration. Leverage 1 400 Licences CySEC, NFA, ASIC. Spreads from 3 pips US Clients Yes. Looking for a social broker Sign up with eToro. Online trading has benefited from advances in technology and the environment has changed because new brokers have entered their market bringing with them new ideas One recent new idea is a social network for traders, fully integrated with the platform. eToto Forex Broker at a Glance. eToro is a new broker, but is gaining quickly recognition It aims to educate its customers by presenting them an impressive number of tools charts and indicators in an approachable way Traders can also learn by interacting with others, that being a feature of social trading. The company that owns eToro is c alled Tradonomi LLC and it is based in the United States It is registered with the CFTC and the NFA It complies with the capital requirements and rules that enable a safe trading environment The platform also uses SSL for encryption, so that all the data regarding the clients and their IP s are kept safely. Because of their innovations the platform won an impressive number of awards from companies such as World Finance, Finovate Fall and European CEO Some of these innovations are the possibility to copy the trades of others with the eToro Openbook and an increased number of tools. eToro Forex Trading Broker Features. Social trading is based on the rules of social networks and the content is largely generated by the users, such as posts, article and videos The broker encourages everybody to take part in social trading because setting up an account is easy and the interface is friendly. The currency pairs and trading instruments are also presented in an appropriate way, by focusing on simpli city and usability above other considerations The feedback generated by users is also an instrument that helps the platform improve and given that we are talking about a trading social network, this feedback comes from more customers and it is more detailed, allowing the developers to improve the platform in a short amount of time. eToro Reviews of Trading Platforms. The platform is a great place to be for advanced traders, because they can gain a following and they will find traders that copy them There are also a lot of tools that show what the majority thinks about the direction a currency pair is heading Trades can be maintained for short amounts of time, even one minute for traders that wager on a volatile environment. The company offers their trading platform in three variants eToro WebTrader, eToro OpenBook and eToro Mobile Trading Platform. The WebTrader is the main platform and it has an elegant interface as to not overload traders with information A feature that is specific to it is the integrated chat function It is possible to interact with other traders or to remain invisible. The OpenBook takes the social network features one step further and integrates them in order to create an impressive package Traders can see what others are doing and interact with them There is also the possibility to copy the trades of others. The Mobile Trading App allows traders to be informed about their portfolio even if they are on the move There is even support offered for Android and iPhone There is also a feature that prevents the phone from going in hibernation when social training is realized. There are four types of trading accounts, ranked according to the minimum deposit required The higher this deposit is, the greater the number of features The minimum deposit is between 50 and 500, depending on the method of payment used. eToro Forex Broker Deposits and Withdrawals. During this eToro review we have found out that the deposits can be realized with PayPal, Webmoney, MoneyGra m, Netteller or with Western Union For withdrawals, the customer needs to fill an online form There is also a comprehensive information about withdrawals on eToro webpage This eToro review shows that eToro is one of the only forex brokers that appect paypal. A positive aspect of the platform is that no commissions are charged and the spreads are generally low, starting from 2 pips The rollover fees are not an issue unless a position has been left open over the weekend. eToro Reviews Customer Service. The operators are polite and reliable Support is offered 24 hours a day and is provided by chat, e-mail or telephone There are also international numbers for the convenience of the customers During this eToro review, the support staff has been quite helpful. The learning center is well put together, with an eToroPedia section There are a respectable number of guides, tutorials and a forum where users can post their ideas or ask for help regarding a specific problem they have encountered The su pport staff is qualified and responsive. The advantages of the platform are the following a high leverage that reaches 400 1, a low minimum deposit of just 50 and reduced spreads The disadvantages are few to speak of, mainly the execution times that can be improved. eToro Review Conclusion. To sum up this eToro review, this broker is setting a new standard for others The awards it has won confirm the quality of this platform even before we mention the features The platform is fun to use and accessible for almost everyone It is easy for the traders to become involved in their trading activity and develop a passion for it This is so because they can easily compare with other traders, ask for support and compete for prizes If we add a learning center that is very well realized, the platform is a great starting point for new and advanced traders alike. I have been trading in FX for most of the last decade In that time I have seen many traders come and go, and also gained a lot of experience. On e of the key things that I have learned is that you can succeed in Forex if you have 2 things. The first is a good trading strategy, that you stick to with discipline The second is an excellent broker. The reason that I have written this eToro review, is to help traders make a proper decision as to whether eToro is an excellent broker and whether it will be right for them. There are 5 key areas that need to be looked at when choosing a broker and they are how I have structured this eToro review.1 Low Minimum Account Opening and Trading Amounts. eToro offer traders the opportunity to trade their practice accounts for free This is very important if you are new to Forex, or you would like to develop confidence and new trading strategies. Traders can start trading live with just 50 and progress up from there. This means effectively, how much it will cost to trade If you are trading frequently the spread will soon start adding up, which is why it needs to be as low as possible. With eToro the spre ad goes down to just 2 pips on the EUR USD pair, which is extremely good. Execution Of Orders. This is vitally important some Brokers will re-quote meaning that you cannot get into or out of trades at the price you request, especially during fast moving markets. This is often a consequence of liquidity, because many brokers don t have enough trading volume to ensure they can always buy at every price However, eToro is one of the largest online brokers This means that the liquidity they can give is very reliable They also use a high quality, usable platform to back it up. Opportunity for Good Education and Training. eToro has a great training program with tutorials and training guides It s very easy to develop a full understanding of the technical and fundamental aspects that affect the prices of currency. Also in July eToro started OpenBook , which is essentially a social trading network It means traders can follow the trades or exerts and other traders in the network in real time, as they happen. It s a brilliant idea, and there is nothing else currently like it in the industry Traders can use the professional charting and graphing tools, or up to the second financial news and data to develop strategies, in conjunction with communicating and watching other experienced traders through the OpenBook network Traders can either develop their knowledge of the marketplace and systems and strategies in conjunction with other traders in the network, or actually follow and copy traders based on their trading background and success Read more about openBook here. The platform they use is also designed to be very intuitive It s easy to get to grips with for newcomers with video walk throughs, and it s also set up to make it fun and fool proof In fact eToro actually won the World Finance Award for the Most Innovative Trading Platform 2010.For those with more experience, there is the expert mode which has the same level of functionality but without the game aspect. Another key area and this eToro review wouldn t be complete without it However, Traders should be careful with leverage, as it means you are trading with borrowed money and losses or gains are very much exaggerated At eToro the leverage starts at 5 1 and goes up to 400 1.You can also trade at eToro all day everyday 24 7, with the customer service team available at all times for problems and issues. Money can be deposited by card, wire or with paypal and withdrawals are hassle free. They have worked hard to create a real community feeling for all traders from novice to professional. There is a big regular forum in addition to OpenBook to bounce ideas off or share other trading experiences, as well as trading competitions and also a private call function for advice from their expert traders. On the negative side you have to download the software platform to trade, sometimes a web based platform can be more convenient. However, this is a minor point and overall I am very happy to trade with eToro and recommend them as a broker. Click Here to visit the eToro official website. Largest Forex Broker List. The Foreign Exchange market is very big with high liquidity There are plenty of Forex broker and this makes it so confusing especially for novice traders Almost no Forex broker publishes any information that provide an impression of the brokers size, costumers etc Everybody claims they are the largest broker with hundreds of thousands happy costumers This could be true but for most Forex broker its far away from the truth. It makes sense to take a look at the Forex brokers size althoug h this is not the best criterion when it comes to determine the best Forex broker But the size tells us that there are a lot of costumers with this broker and they seem to trust him Otherwise they wouldnt be in business with this broker. A large Forex broker is also committed to the market and has more pressure to keep certain standards like licences and regulations A new and small Forex broker could quit the business quick and nobody would really miss them So the size of a Forex broker doesnt make the broker serious but its a factor you have to consider when you want to choose a proper Forex broker that fits your needs. How to measure a Forex brokers size. The problem is to find out how large a broker really are when there are no public information available We made some analysis that works with indirect measures We focused on the Forex broker we list in our comprehensive Broker Reviews We chose three factors that are indicators for the brokers size When we add these factors together we found our largest Forex broker. Google searches The Google searches tell us how many people are looking for the exact brand name of a Forex broker The more people are searching for the brand, the higher is the brand recognition This is only an indicator of course But theres at least a correlation between Google hits and the brand recognition What were looking for is how many people where searching for eToro and how many for Instaforex. Google search results When you type in something in the Google search engine it shows you how many results have been found If youre googeling for eToro it shows you about 5 million results This means that Google found the term etoro on 5 million websites Our thoughts are that a Forex broker is larger when it shows more results Again, this is only an indicator. Alexa rank With the Alexa toolbar you can find out how the traffic of a site looks like This is a nice tool but also not very reliable with low trafficked websites Its possible that one site shows an Alexa rank of 1 million and has twice as many visitors in reality than a website with an Alexa rank of 200,000 When it comes to high traffic websites Alexa is more accurate So if Alexa shows 4000, its highly likely that the website has more traffic than a site with an Alexa rank of 10,000 This is the case with the largest Forex broker and thats why Alexa is a pretty accurate way to determine the traffic of a Forex brokers website. Its true that not all indicators are absolutely reliable but we think that when we put these three indicators together we get a pretty good picture and can at least determine what Forex broker is larger than the other So we have a solid ranking of the largest Forex broker. Clauses 1 1 1 4.Implement a comprehensive training and assessment strategy. The RTO s training and assessment strategies and practices, including the amount of training they provide, are consistent with the requirements of training packages and VET accredited courses and enable each learner t o meet the requirements for each unit of competency or module in which they are enrolled. For the purposes of Clause 1 1, the RTO determines the amount of training they provide to each learner with regard to. the existing skills, knowledge and the experience of the learner. the mode of delivery and. where a full qualification is not being delivered, the number of units and or modules being delivered as a proportion of the full qualification. The RTO has, for all of its scope of registration, and consistent with its training and assessment strategies, sufficient. trainers and assessors to deliver the training and assessment. educational and support services to meet the needs of the learner cohort s undertaking the training and assessment. learning resources to enable learners to meet the requirements for each unit of competency, and which are accessible to the learner regardless of location or mode of delivery and. facilities, whether physical or virtual, and equipment to accommodate and support the number of learners undertaking the training and assessment. The RTO meets all requirements specified in the relevant training package or VET accredited course. What this Standard means for your RTO. The Australian Qualifications Framework AQF is the national policy for qualifications in the Australian education and training system The National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 requires that RTOs comply with the AQF as a condition of their registration The AQF recognises RTOs as authorised issuing organisations , able to issue AQF qualifications and statements of attainment to learners who have satisfied the relevant competency requirements All authorised issuing organisations are required to comply with the requirements of the AQF, including the volume of learning The AQF has full effect from 1 January 2015.Your RTO is required to develop and implement approaches including by providing access to suitable resources, facilities and trainers that ensure learners gain all relevant skills and knowledge. The AQF provides a guide to the volume of learning see table below , which describes how long a learner who does not hold any of the competencies identified in the relevant units of competency or modules would take to develop all the required skills and knowledge The volume of learning includes all teaching and learning activities such as guided learning classes, lectures, tutorials, online or self-paced study , individual study, research, learning activities in the workplace and assessment activities The amount of training provided by your RTO is part of the overall volume of learning and relates primarily to formal activities including classes and other activities as well as workplace learning. Your RTO is required to comply with the AQF in applying the volume of learning to your programs You must therefore develop and implement strategies for training and assessment that are consistent with the AQF. In a competency-based training environment, learner s aren t required to study for a specified number of weeks or months however, your RTO must still be able to identify and explain any significant variations from the time periods described in the AQF. If a course is structured so as to be completed in a shorter time period than that described in the AQF, you will need to clearly describe, using a rationale based on the previous skills and knowledge and the needs of learners, how a specific learner cohort. has the characteristics to achieve the required rigour and depth of training. can meet all of the competency requirements in a shorter timeframe. Your description must take into account the need to allow learners to reflect on and absorb the knowledge, to practise the skills in different contexts and to learn to apply the skills and knowledge in the varied environments that the real world offers before being assessed. 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What is a traditional STP ECN forex brokerage set-up In a traditional STP forex brokerage set-up, forex brokers acts as intermediaries between their trading clients and liquidity providers They earn their trading revenues by marking up on the best bid best ask prices This means prices are set up by the forex brokers and clients have no way to place their orders in between spreads Furthermore, trading clients also experience last look, slippages, rejections and latency in a conventional set up Over a period of time, these costs add up and result poor trading ex perience. 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Trading the USD INR Currency Pair. Another of the emerging Forex currency pairs, the USD INR compares the value of the US dollar to the Indian rupee As you can see from the chart below, there are more than Rs 50 to the dollar, so conventionally the point is only two decimal places rather than four, i e the spread betting quote is 5463 2 5483 2.Going back five years, there were only Rs 40 to the US dollar, so as you can see the rupees value has fallen in comparison to the international standard This is good for Indias international trade as it makes goods and services more affordable, although it means that the money earned can buy less in the global marketplace Nonetheless, India is one of the four countries in the BRIC group which is predicted to develop its economy more than the current world leaders in the coming decades. India has a policy of allowing its currency to float against other currencies, providing a reasonably volatile Forex pair, politically compared to some of the Eastern Bloc where much tighter control is exercised Looking at the two-year chart above, you can see that technical analysis has worked well in the past. For instance, in November 2011 the Bollinger Bands narrowed and this was followed by a sharp breakout to the upside March 2012 had a similar pattern, though less pronounced, and the prolonged narrowing in August and September 2012 was followed by a sharp downtrend. Similarly if you look at the MACD pattern plotted below the main price chart, you can see that it reasonably reflects the price chart, and gives clear indications of the up and down trends that were experienced. It is worth noting that the Indian rupee has been very weak in 2013 and have been in free fall against the dollar having started the year at around INR 55 and falling as low as 61 in July 2013 on domestic economy worries including t he huge current account deficit and the over-dependence on capital inflows A combination of inflation and its commitment to exorbitant fuel subsidies seen to be out of keeping with its deficit reduction targets are major problems. The Indian government subsidises fuel to prevent its inflation and boost its manufacturing sector but this is costing the country way too much And so far the governments counterinflationary have done little to stop the Rupee losing value against the US dollar Prices are rising fastest where production is falling most as in agricultural production and this is causing causing the prices of consumables such as wheat, potatoes, Edible oils, meat and fish to increase which hurts the general population. USD INR Rolling Daily Spread Bet. When you are spread betting on the foreign exchange markets, you must be careful to keep an eye on international news for any events that may impact the currencies you are trading Unlike many other underlyings, currencies are particul arly susceptible to news events and government manipulations. Of course it can be exciting to bet on the currencies of emerging markets Typically, these are more volatile than than those of established old world countries, and you may see some underlying trends while the economies establish their position in the global marketplace The current quote for the US dollar versus Indian rupee USD INR daily rolling bet is 5463 2 5483 2 If you think that the dollar is going to strengthen against the rupee, that is the same as taking a long bet, looking for the number which represents the number of rupees which can be bought for dollar to go up Say you decide to stake 3 per point on a buy bet. As the first example, assume that the price goes up to 5613 2 5633 2, and decide to close your trade and collect your winnings Your long bet was placed at 5483 2, and you closed at 5613 2, which is an increase of 130 points Multiplying this by your stake of 3 per point, your total winnings would work out t o 390.As a second example, suppose the price fell and you were forced to close it for a loss Say the price went down to 5388 2 5408 2, so your closing price was 5388 2 Taking this away from the opening price of 5483 2, you find you have lost 95 points At your chosen size of stake, this amounts to 285 loss. As an alternative for closing a losing bet, you might choose to place a stop loss order, which takes care of ending the trade automatically, with your spread betting provider taking responsibility With a stop loss order, this losing trade might have been exited at 5418 2 5438 2, which would save you some money The closing price this time would be 5418 2, a difference of 65 points from the opening price, and therefore you would have lost 195.Can we use technical analysis to analyse the Indian Rupee versus the US Dollar. The Indian Rupee is still not a fully float, so technically it cannot be called a freely traded instrument For technically, we should have two mina pre-requisites, fir st, a freely traded and liquid instrument, and second, which has mass participation, without any scope for manipulation. The Re trade is having mass participation, it is liquid, but is subject to intervention from the Reserve Bank of India, as it is still not a full free float. On the other hand, the spot forex markets, traded all over the world, have a lesser chance of intervention, because of the sheer size of the markets As an example, should the Bank of Japan intervene in the USD JPY market, the effect of the intervention is very short lived, and the market seeks the technical levels again. This entry is filed under forex You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2 0 feed You can leave a response or trackback from your own site. Plus500 is a UK-based CFD Contract For Difference service, allowing you to trade CFD s in Stocks, Shares, Indices, Forex, Equities, Securities, ETFs Exchange Traded Fund and commodities Of course, as with all online trading sites, your capital may be at risk when you trade online so please read our buying guide for some more information. Plus500 offers a free demo account with no time limit, meaning that you can try out all of the features of its software without any cost at all This is enhanced by the ability to use demo money which means you can learn the art of trading without any risks whatsoever This is a great way to practice online trading risk-free so that you get comfortable with the whole experience of online trading before using real money. Plus500 allows you to trade in the UKs main index, FTSE 100, with a CFD service, GBP USD and GBP EUR, providing purchase power for popular UK services and products such as the Royal Mail and UK 100, as well as the common commodities such as oil and gold. CFDs Contracts For Difference have become very popular in recent years As Plus500 explain in their useful Help section, with CFDs, you get all the perks of having a stock, index, ETF Exchange Trade Fund , forex or commodity positi on without needing to physically own the underlying financial instrument itself. So rather than buying 1,000 Apple shares from a stockbroker, a customer could buy a 1,000 CFDs of Apple on the Plus500 Trading Platform A 7 per share fall in the price of Apple would give the CFD customer a 7,000 loss, while a 7 per share rise in the price of Apple would give the CFD customer a 7,000 profit, in the same way as if he she had bought the actual shares that are traded on the Exchange. With Plus500 s CFD service, there are no Exchange charges and no Stamp Duty According to Plus500, the costs and delays of physical delivery of the shares, their registration and any holding or safe custody charges made by a broker are all avoided Another benefit of CFD trading is that customers can trade a portfolio of indices, commodities or shares without having to invest a lot of capital For example, a customer purchasing 70,000 worth of shares will only be asked for 7,000 initial margin for the equivalent CFD p ortfolio. Unlike some other online stock trading sites, Plus500 uses only one trading platform simply called Plus500, which works across a range of devices including desktop and mobile devices It is downloadable the download takes less than 5 minutes or accessible using a browser the web-based trader is available for Mac, Windows, Linux or Android So if youre on the move then you can still access your account from a mobile device. Whilst this one platform system could be an issue for some users who prefer to use a specific platform such as Meta Trader , Plus500 really comes into its own when you need to use it on multiple devices because the simple layout and functions remain the same throughout. The user interface provides all of the information you need on one screen, separated by useful tabs for vital sections, which is handy if youre new to online trading, whilst still being powerful enough to satisfy advanced users All combined, this makes for a flexible system which provides a platf orm for buying and selling at any time, so you wont lose out on fluctuating share prices if youre on the move. The site doesnt charge commission rather it takes a cut from the market spread, which begins at just 2 pips Therefore, youll find that if youre doing well then your profits will be greater than having paid out a percentage of your earnings to a broker This also means that its easier to follow and predict how much youll make as an end sum, after deductions. It is worth remembering, however, that you will still incur charges for holding a position depending on the time of day night and the position being held If you leave your account inactive for over three months you will also be charged a small fee 5 to cover basic costs of keeping your account open. Meanwhile, Customer service is of a high standard, as you receive an email reply within 30 minutes, any time of the day or night You can also fax the office for assistance if you re old enough to know what a fax machine is , but the re is no telephone number or live chat, which is something that could be improved upon from a customer service perspective. The Financial Conduct Authority one of Europes leading regulatory bodies, regulates Plus500, so you have complete peace of mind that you will be safe using their service The Plus500 site is also protected and secured by SSL Secure Sockets Layer encryption like that used with online banking. Adding money to your account is secure and simple, as you can use a wire transfer or credit card Visa or Mastercard There is also a PayPal option and you can also deposit money into your account using skrill. Registering with the site can earn you bonus money 20 , and is a relatively simple process that requires an email address and mobile phone number You may also be required to provide ID. Other deposit bonuses are available for your first deposit at incremental rates, ranging from 100 to 50,000 minimum deposit the latter offering a 6,000 bonus amount The site now offers 1 200 le verage on the Forex market meaning that you can trade with just 1 for the effect of 200 capital. Plus500 is an easy-to-use system which should be perfect for people who are new to stock market trading, or for anyone who is new to online trading The interface is straightforward, intuitive and yet feature-packed and powerful enough to satisfy more advanced users Although the single CFD-based system might not provide all of the functionality that experts might desire, it does provide a flexible system which can be used on multiple devices with ease. Its insistence on no commission also means that youll be charged a more consistent fee and wont be punished for doing well The site and service offers all of its users a safe and secure environment for trading, with a few bonuses that provide great value for money. So, with its advanced feature-set, flexibility, ease-of-use and a great pricing model, Plus500 earns our number 1 ranking in online stock trading for non-US traders. Click on the button below to check out Plus500 for yourself. Contact Pulse Advisory. Pulse Options 2012.PLEASE NOTE Stock and option trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risks You must be aware of the risks and willing to accept them in order to invest in the market This is neither a solicitation nor an offer to buy sell any stock. HYPOTHETICAL PERFORMANCE RESULTS HAVE MANY INHERENT LIMITATIONS, SOME OF WHICH ARE DESCRIBED BELOW NO REPRESENTATION IS BEING MADE THAT ANY ACCOUNT WILL OR IS LIKELY TO ACHIEVE PROFITS OR LOSSES SIMILAR TO THOSE SHOWN IN FACT, THERE ARE FREQUENTLY SHARP DIFFERENCES BETWEEN HYPOTHETICAL RESULTS AND THE ACTUAL RESULTS SUBSEQUENTLY ACHIEVED BY ANY PARTICULAR TRADING PROGRAM ONE OF THE LIMITATIONS OF HYPOTHETICAL PERFORMANCE IS THEY ARE GENERALLY PREPARED WITH THE BENEFIT OF HINDSIGHT IN ADDITION, HYPOTHETICAL TRADING DOES NOT INVOLVE FINANCIAL RISK AND NO HYPOTHETICAL TRADING RECORD CAN COMPLETELY ACCOUNT FOR THE IMPACT OF FINANCIAL RISK IN ACTUAL TRADING FO R EXAMPLE, THE ABILITY TO WITHSTAND LOSSES OR TO ADHERE TO A PARTICULAR TRADING PROGRAM IN SPITE OF TRADING LOSSES ARE MATERIAL POINTS WHICH CAN ADVERSELY AFFECT ACTUAL TRADING RESULTS THERE ARE NUMEROUS OTHER FACTORS RELATED TO THE MARKETS IN GENERAL OR TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ANY SPECIFIC TRADING PROGRAM WHICH CANNOT BE FULLY ACCOUNTED FOR IN THE PREPARATION OF HYPOTHETICAL PERFORMANCE RESULTS AND ALL OF WHICH CAN ADVERSELY AFFECT ACTUAL TRADING RESULTS PAST PERFORMANCE IS NOT INDICATIVE TO FUTURE RESULTS ALL TRADE INFORMATION IS TO BE CONSIDERED HYPOTHETICAL ALL TRADE RESULTS ARE TO BE CONSIDERED HYPOTHETICAL. IFC Markets provides services for trading the most popular currency pairs in the world Trade online more than 40 currency pairs 24 hours a day, 5 days a week You can trade currency pairs by using advantages of preferential swaps and tight spreads. USD CNH Trading Hours. The US dollar USD, Greenback is the most widely traded currency in the world The issuer is the Federal Reserve System the Fed. CNH is an offshore version of the Chinese Yuan which has been introduced by Hong Kong Monetary Authority and People s Bank of China so as to allow investors to get an opportunity to raise capital in the Chinese currency beyond Continental China CNH is often called offshore Yuan. Important Components for an Effective Training Program for Customer Service. Other People Are Reading. The Job Matters. According to Andrea Chilcote, owner of Morningstar Ventures, Men and women in organizations today are searching for meaning, work that has purpose. Whether your company sells medical supplies or gives facials, it s important to outline the benefits to your customers so that employees understand that they are making a difference in people s lives Teach your customer service representatives that their jobs matter---that they are providing a service to people who need it. Share your company s mission statement and help employees understand why they matter This increases company loyalty as well as performance levels among employees and can only be good for your business. Nothing is more frustrating for a customer than a customer service representative who can t help to fix the problem During your customer service training, provide customer service representatives with a clear outline of how to handle customer complaints and concerns effectively, and for the best level of service to your clients, empower them or at least their immediate supervisors to do whatever is necessary to maintain the customer relationship, within reason. Think Like a Customer. Work with customer service representatives to help them understand the image a customer perceives of your company For example, a customer should never hear, I don t know or I can t help you Instead, customer service representatives can say, I am not sure, but I will find the answer for you or Let me find out for you. The Customer is Always Right. Unless a customer is verbally or physically assaulting your customer service repr esentatives, the customer should always win Teach your representatives to avoid arguing with customers They should always listen and respond with empathy and ask appropriate questions And, when needed, an effective customer service representative will admit when a mistake has happened, apologize and make it right. Require your customer service representatives to refresh training each year, and offer additional educational and training opportunities regularly Continuing education keeps employees interested and up to date and makes them feel important, which increases overall productivity If you don t have the resources easily available to you, companies such as Administaff can function as a human resources department and educational provider for your company. Swing Trading Strategy for Double Digit Dividend Stock Profits. Posted by Tim Plaehn 494 days ago. Income investors who have discovered the small sector of Business Development Companies BDC know that many of these stocks pay steady di vidends with very attractive yields I have found that the combination of a higher yield plus stable and predictable dividends often produces short term share price swings that are also quite predictable. The dividend swing strategy is one of several strategies used to find the low risk trade opportunities recommended in our 30 Day Dividends newsletter Trading the dividend related swings of a BDC can produce returns of 5 to 10 quarterly sometimes sooner compared to the same returns earned in a full year with a buy-and-hold approach to the very same stocks, and you don t need to risk your money nearly as long holding them. Here s my strategy for trading on dividend swings and picking up quick profits. To start, you need to set up a tracking system to include the BDCs that have stable dividend policies and pay quarterly This trade does not work well with the monthly dividend payers Here is the list of BDCs which have the basic requirements to employ the strategy. Apollo Investment Corp Nasdaq AINV. Ares Capital Corporation Nasdaq ARCC. Blackrock Kelso Capital Corp Nasdaq BKCC. Fidus Investment Corp Nasdaq FDUS. Golub Capital BDC Inc Nasdaq GBDC. Hercules Technology Growth Capital Inc NYSE HTGC. Medley Capital Corp NYSE MCC. New Mountain Finance Corp NYSE NMFC. PennantPark Investment Corp Nasdaq PNNT. TICC Capital Corp Nasdaq TICC. Triangle Capital Corporation NYSE TCAP. The fundamentals behind the strategy depend on how traders treat high-yield dividend stocks Group psychology and some trading strategies increase buying interest as a dividend payment approaches and that reverses to selling pressure after the stock goes ex-dividend and the dividend earnings are locked in for share owners. As a result of these mass buying and selling decisions, the share price will often drop in the first few weeks after a stock goes ex-dividend and then start recovering in value to reach a peak in the week or so before the next dividend date These are the date ranges you need to pay most attention to. For example, over the four quarterly periods ending with the 2014 first quarter dividend payment, PNNT had price swings ranging from 4 to 12 with an average low to high price gain of 8 8.Trade Entry For the BDCs you have selected, watch the share price after the stock goes ex-dividend You are looking for a further share price decline o f 1 to 2 below the closing price on the ex-dividend date This low will usually occur within the first three weeks after the ex-dividend date The entry is flexible and you need to develop a feel for when the share price has bottomed, but the best day to buy is often the one when the share price makes a relatively big drop during a single trading session. Trade Exit Depending on the previous price swing magnitude of the stock, set a take profit level at 7 to 9 above your entry price Sell when the target price is reached, or, as an alternative, if the share price runs up through your target early, set the target as a stop-loss to lock in the gain and give the stock time to add to the gain as the ex-dividend date approaches In all cases unless you want to change to a buy-and-hold position for the BDC sell no later than the day before the next ex-dividend date. Required Research To be successful with this strategy, you need to review and make notes on the dates and values of the share price lows and highs between the latest year s worth of ex-dividend dates This data will help you fine tune your entry timing and where to set your profit target Since the set-up does not appear every quarter with every BDC, you need to watch a handful we currently track a half dozen BDC stocks, plus others, for 30 Day Dividends to provide yourself with one or two good entries every quarter. This strategy has a very high probability of not losing money Historically worst case results produced break-even or 1 loss if the entry rules were followed Which brings up the most important detail of this strategy The entry drives the profit You need to buy when the share price drops after the ex-dividend date No price drop, no entry Don t fall in love with the stock and buy it anyhow hoping things will work out. Once you have a trade, set a stop-loss 5 below your entry to protect against a market or individual company melt down Move up the stop-loss after you have a gain in the share price and then w atch for your profit goal or the next ex-dividend date. The final point to remember is that the BDC share prices can stagnate for a significant portion of the 3 months between dividend dates You may end up waiting for two months after an entry before the rest of the market gets the clue that a dividend payment is pending and drive up the share price This means that if you do not get an entry price soon after the ex-dividend date, keep an eye on your list of trading BDCs and a late entry opportunity may present itself. This dividend swing strategy is a core strategy, but one of several we employ at 30 Day Dividends to find dividend related trading opportunities with the goal of 25 or greater annualized returns from stable dividend stocks and very low probability of loss In July, one trade from the first of June newsletter hit the profit target in just 31 days for a 13 gain That was a great feeling to have a double digit winner in such a short time without having to risk it in small caps, emerging markets, options or other places usually the reserve for quick gains. If you re interested in checking out my 30 Day Dividends service and the strategies we use for trade set-ups with dividend stocks click here. Automated Trading Championship 2010.We are glad to announce that the Automated Trading Championship will be conducted this year - in 2010 The main purpose of the competition is promoting the idea of the automated trading and the new development environment MetaQuotes Language 5 MQL5 The total prize of the Automated Trading Championship 2010 is 80,000 US dollars. We always do our best to conduct the Automated Trading Championship on the highest level This year we keep on preparing the most interesting Championship for you On the official website of the ATC, we will publish details of all its Participants Anyone can visit this website to watch trading dynamics of any Expert Advisor and its characteristics We will also publish weekly statistical reports, interviews with Part icipants and useful articles These materials are intended to show the full information on performance of automated trading systems and help traders to develop profitable Expert Advisors. As distinct from previous competitions MQL5-programs will participate in Championship 2010 This year we are going to release the new MetaTrader 5 Platform with the new Expert Advisor development environment - MQL5 That s why we decided to conduct the new competition among Expert Advisors written in MQL5 - Stanislav Starikov, the senior developer of the MetaTrader 5 client terminal and the MQL5 environment, said. For the three years of the competition conduction, the Championship has become extremely popular being a specialized site where developers from all over the world can demonstrate their programs Many EA writers use the Championship as a chance to show their programs and advertise their services We invite you to take part in the Automated Trading Championship 2010 and prove that you know how to dev elop profitable Expert Advisors. Experts to Provide Best Practices for Using Encryption to Protect Data and Follow HIPAA Compliance Regulations. FLORHAM PARK, N J June 17, 2015 PRNewswire -- DataMotion , an experienced email encryption and health information service provider HISP today announced the company will present an interactive webinar entitled Tips for Using Encryption to Reduce HIPAA Compliance Risk and Protect Your Data This free webinar will take place on Wednesday, June 24, 2015 at 2 00 p m EDT. For more than fifteen years, DataMotion has provided secure messaging solutions including email encryption and Direct Secure Messaging and has worked closely with healthcare providers, patients, business associates and clinical systems to ensure they remain compliant amidst evolving regulations, including HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and HITECH. Since the enactment of HIPAA nearly two decades ago, there have been numerous changes within the healthcare indu stry The HIPAA Security Rule is flexible enough to adapt to the significant changes in the HIT environment but the healthcare industry is still struggling with the implementation of robust information security programs that protect patients health data There is a great deal of confusion regarding HIPAA compliance still after all these years, said Chris Apgar, renowned security and privacy expert and president and CEO of Apgar and Associates, LLC The upcoming webinar will clear up those misconceptions by providing an update on the 2015 HIPAA audits and by offering best practices for lowering your risk as it relates to electronic PHI. Apgar will co-present the webinar with Andy Nieto, DataMotion s health IT strategist Relevant details include. Session Tips for Using Encryption to Reduce HIPAA Compliance Risk and Protect Your Data. Date Wednesday, June 24, 2015, 2 00 p m 3 00 p m EDT. Speakers Chris Apgar, president and CEO of Apgar and Associates Andy Nieto, DataMotion health IT strategist. Where Attendees may register for the webinar by clicking here. With OCR s Office of Civil Rights renewed vigor around HIPAA compliance, it s imperative that organizations understand and follow the latest rules while still maintaining efficient workflow, said Nieto This webinar will also discuss how to asses risk as well as the critical role email encryption and secure messaging can play in protecting data. Since 1999, DataMotion SaaS technology has enabled organizations of all sizes to reduce the cost and complexity of delivering electronic information to employees, customers and partners in a secure and compliant way Ideal for highly regulated industries, the DataMotion SecureMail portfolio offers easy-to-use encryption solutions for email file transfer forms processing and customer-initiated contact In the healthcare sector, DataMotion is an accredited HISP health information service provider of Direct Secure Messaging The DataMotion Direct service enables efficient interoperability a nd sharing of patient data across the continuum of care DataMotion is privately held and based in Florham Park, N J For the latest news and updates, visit datamotionhealth follow DataMotion on LinkedIn or Twitter datamotion. High vs low volatility strategies A different view of risk. When investors think of risk they usually associate it with volatility This probably stems from Nobel Prize winning economist Harry Markowitzs use of volatility in the 1950s and fellow Nobel Prize winner William Sharpes use of volatility in creating his self-named method of risk adjusting returns The lower the volatility of a given investment theoretically indicates that that investment carries less risk Risk, however, could be viewed from a different angle. The impact of a high volatility investment on a portfolio can be mitigated by the allocation size given to that product By normalizing for volatility, theoretically, high and low volatility investments can have equal impact on a portfolios total return Th is leads us to a different way to view risk Risk is the difference between the anticipated worst loss and the realized worst loss When viewed through this lens, lower volatility equals higher risk see Low vol is not so smart, right. Inside the numbers. While its low volatility seems safe, CZY Fund has almost all the risk in this portfolio First, its allocation is quite large because of its low volatility Second, its potential for a downside surprise realized loss anticipated loss is also quite large The bulk of the money has been given to the investment with the greatest potential of portfolio devastation Look at SMT Fund Even if SMT went bankrupt, that loss would only be 1 33 times the worst anticipated loss. The portfolio would feel the same pain if CZY fund lost 6 67 If CZY fund lost 15 , that pain exceeds the worst possible performance of SMT The banking system did not go bust in 2008 because mortgages lost 80 of their value The banking system went bust because mortgages lost 80 of th eir value, AND the banks thought mortgages could only lose 5 of their value If SMT above loses 80 of its value, the portfolio does not like it, but it is far from catastrophic Heres the other kicker The portfolio pays CZY fund 15 times the fees of SMT for the same exposure and 100 times the catastrophic risk Quite the bargain. This portfolio would be much better served by using a higher volatility vehicle for the exposure procured from CZY fund and ABC see High vol is not so crazy, right. This allocation has done several things for the portfolio Most importantly, the exposure to the asset classes and potential upside of these investments has been maintained or amplified depending on the allocation of profits This allocation only uses 15 75 of the capital Downsize surprises have virtually been eliminated The maximum loss has been capped at 15 75 Fees have been cut by 84 25 All the things you look for in a diversified portfolio are accounted for. Increased liquidity, check. Increased upside check. Maintain exposures check. Limit downside check. Eliminate catastrophic losses check. All of this for an 84 discounted price Seeking rather than avoiding volatility can lead to a lower cost, more liquid portfolio with a reduced level of risk and an increased potential of returns. Scot Billington co-founded Covenant Capital Management, a boutique CTA that has been managing client assets for more than 15 years He co-developed the CCM trading models and manages the CCM office in Chicago More information can be found at covenantcap. How To Put A Winning Training Plan Together. An architect wouldnt dream of getting a builder to start work on a building until he was sure his plans were robust and firm. The same should be true for your training Without a firm plan, youre risking building on sand, and the results will be more from luck than judgement. Here are some ideas about putting the plan together. Make the plan a guide, not the law. The key is to get started Start simple, but start. Remember t hat there is no perfect plan. It s not important to stick to the plan for the sake of the plan The plan will likely change as you go along That s fine, as long as you have notice that it s been changed and why. Remember that Training and Development is a Process. Things will change as you go along There is no destination with people improvement we are continually on the journey Viewing development as a process will help you get into the right mindset and enjoy the journey Remember, the plan is general guide. When putting the plan together, assess the following.1 Are there any time lines that you should consider in your plan. Do your people have to accomplish any certain areas of knowledge or skills by a certain time If so, this may influence your choice of learning objectives and learning activities to achieve the objectives.2 Are you pursuing training and development in order to address a performance gap. A performance gap is usually indicated from the performance appraisal process The perf ormance appraisal document should already include careful description of the areas of knowledge and skills that must be learned in order to improve performance.3 Or, is your plan to address a growth gap. If so, carefully identify what areas of knowledge and skills are needed to reach the goals. How to Trade Gaps on a Stock Chart. Are all gaps created equal Nope There are really only two significant factors to consider when trading gaps You have to be able to identify if the gap is caused by professional traders or amateur traders Let s start at the beginning. A gap is defined as a price level on a chart where no trading occurred These can occur in all time frames but, for swing trading, we are mostly concerned with the daily chart. A gap on a daily chart happens when the stock closes at one price but opens the following day at a different price Why would this happen This happens because buy or sell orders are placed before the open that cause the price to open higher or lower than the previ ous day s close. Here is an example. Let s say that on Tuesday, Microsoft closes at 26 57 After the close they come out with their earnings report They report higher than expect earnings that causes excitement among investors Buy orders come flooding in The next day Microsoft opens at 27 60 Since there were no trades between 26 57 and 27 60 this will create a gap on the chart. Let s look at a chart. You can see on the chart above that the stock closed at one price and then the next day the stock gapped up creating a price void on the chart yellow circle. Filling the gap. Sometimes you will hear traders say that a stock is filling a gap or they might say that a stock has a gap to fill. Are you wondering what the heck they are talking about. In Japanese Candlestick Charting gaps are referred to as windows When we say that a stock is filling a gap , the Japanese would say that the stock is closing the window. They are talking about a stock that has traded at the price level of a previous gap Here is a chart example. In this example, you can see that the stock gapped down A few days later it rallied back up and filled in the price level at which there were previously no trades This is known as filling the gap. Sometimes you will hear traders saying that gaps always get filled This just simply isn t true Some gaps never get filled, and sometimes it can take years to fill a gap So I really don t even think it is worth debating because it offer no edge one way or another. Traders have labeled gaps depending on where it shows up on a chart It isn t really necessary to memorize all of these patterns but here is the breakdown so that you can impress your trading friends. Breakaway Gaps - This type usually occurs after a consolidation or some other price pattern A stock will be trading sideways and then all of sudden it will gap away from the price pattern. Continuation Gaps - Sometimes called runaway gaps or measuring gaps, these occur during a strong advance in price. Exhaustion Gaps - Thi s type of gap occurs in the direction of the prevailing trend and represents the final surge of buying or selling interest before a major trend change. Ok, now we are going to get into the really good stuff. Professional vs amateur gaps. When you are looking at gaps on a stock chart, the most important thing that you want to know is this. Was this gap caused by the amateur traders buying or selling based on emotion. Was this gap caused by the professional traders that do not make emotional decisions. To figure this out you have to understand this one important concept first Professional traders buy after a wave of selling has occurred They sell after a wave of buying has occurred. Amateur traders do the exact opposite They see a stock advancing in price and are afraid that they will miss out on the move, so they pile in - just when the pro s are getting ready to sell. Here is an example of a gap caused by amateur traders. See how this stock gapped up after a wave of buying occurred These amateu r traders got emotionally involved in the stock They piled in after an already extended move to the upside. These traders eventually lost money as the stock sold off over the next few weeks Notice how the stock eventually did go back up - but only after a wave of selling occurred professional buying. Here is another chart. See how this stock gapped down after a wave of selling occurred These amateur traders got emotionally involved in the stock They sold after an already extended move to the downside. Ok, so let s break this down, shall we. If a stock gaps up after a wave of buying has already occurred, these are amateurs buying the stock - look to short. If a stock gaps down after a wave of selling has already occurred, these are amateurs selling the stock - look to go long. These types of gap plays usually provide great opportunities because they represent and extreme price move. Well, there you have it a short primer on trading gaps. Gaps can provide nice swing trading profits but they can b e a little more tricky to trade The advantage is that you can sometimes make big profits, quickly, and with a little less risk. something every trader should strive for. Sustainable Development Strategy for the Health and Social Care System 2014 - 2020.The Sustainable Development Strategy for the Health, Public Health and Social Care System 2014-2020 gateway No 01011 was launched in January 2014 It describes the vision for a sustainable health and care system by reducing carbon emissions, protecting natural resources, preparing communities for extreme weather events and promoting healthy lifestyles and environments. The challenge is how to continually improve health and wellbeing and deliver high quality care now and for future generations within available financial, social and environmental resources. Understanding these challenges and developing plans to achieve improved health and wellbeing and continued delivery of high quality care is the essence of sustainable development It is impor tant that plans factor in. The environmental impact of the health and care system and the potential health co-benefits of minimising this impact. How the health and care system needs to adapt and react to climate change, including preparing and responding to extreme events. How the NHS, public health and social care system maximises every opportunity to improve economic, social and environmental sustainability. The strategy outlines a vision and three goals based on the challenges outlined above to aim for by 2020 It describes the opportunities to reduce our environmental impacts, improve our natural environment, increase readiness for changing times and climates and strengthen social cohesion. The main strategy is supported by eight modules Each module has its own section on this website under Areas of focus providing further detail including implementation guidance. Sustainable Development Strategy launch. The Sustainable Development Strategy was launched at an event in London with the supp ort of Sir David Nicholson then Chief Executive of NHS England , Duncan Selbie Chief Executive, Public Health England and Michael Coughlin Executive Director, Local Government Association. Forex Daily Statistics. Check out forex daily statistics including.-Forex Correlation Statistics.-Forex Volatility Statistics. See the Forex Correlation table below as well as Forex Volatility table to see how different currency pairs are acting on their own and in relation to each other A constantly updated Currency Relative Strength graph is available at the bottom of the page. In the volatility study below you can click on the currency pair you wish to see more information on and it will pull up the charts to the right Be sure to stipulate the time frame you want to study and then click Submit to update the matrix. Not sure how to use these forex daily statistics These articles will provide you with more information, including the benefits of understanding volatility and correlations. Currently Experien cing Difficulties With Some of the Statistics Check Back Soon. Forex Daily Statistics Forex Volatility. Forex Daily Statistics Forex Correlations. Forex srbija zarada. Forex srbija zarada. 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Trading Jobs in Banking. Find Trading jobs in the Banking industry Search and apply today. Salary OTE earnings of 50k Location London, Greater London Job Type Permanent Date Posted 13-Nov-2015 11 59Save job. Short Details Our client is looking to recruit its next generation of Junior Forex Exchange Traders If you have previous experience in a trading capacity experience in a trading capacity and have recognised within the trading world since their 20 years of trading experience and 30 into a full trading role where you - Exposure to trading strategies, analysis and. Trading Systems Intergration IT Computer Science grad with FM exp. Salary to 40,000 benefits bonus Location London Job Type Permanent Date Posted 11-Nov-2015 10 18Save job. The Swing Trading Forex Strategy.06 December, 2013 GMT. Since market conditions are always changing, traders will not only be able to implement a single trading strategy on each daily occasion There will be many instances where no breakouts are visible and markets are caught in familiar ranges without any major impulsive moves So, what should traders do in these instances Stay on the sidelines and wait for market conditions to change. Unfortunately, one of the main facts of forex market trading is that the market will never come to you That is to say, the market will never alter its behavior to meet your trading requirements or investment criteria The forex market is an active and dynamic place, so you will need to be pro-active at all times and look for new opportunities as they develop So, the next strategy we will look at will give traders some tools that are not available to breakout traders This next strategy is called the Swing Trading strategy, and this will enable you to see trading opportunities when breakouts are just not occurring. Swing Trading Defined. To start the process, we will begin wit h a working definition of what it means to Swing Trade in the Forex markets Most traders would agree that Swing Trading involves employing a stylistic trading method that looks to accumulate gains in a currency using shorter term time frames, generally one to four days, said Haris Constantinou, currency analyst at TeleTrade Swing traders employ technical analysis methods to look for currencies that are beginning to reverse in their short term price momentum Generally, these trades will ignore fundamental information such as economic releases or relevant news headlines and instead look for short term reversal points that are visible in charts. Ways of Spotting the Next Market Move. Essentially, what swing traders are looking for is to identify situations where a currency has an increased potential to make a significant move in a short period of time, and this requires a nimble trading style that is able to react quickly to changing market conditions For these reasons, swing trading styles tends to be used by home-based, day traders as larger institutions tend to have position sizes that are too large for these shorter term trades. Gold trading online on the Forex market with LiteForex. Investing in Forex financial tools such as XAUUSD gold against the American dollar and XAUEUR gold against Euro can secure the gold reserve of your funds Traditionally, gold is regarded not only as a precious metal but also as an advantageous Forex instrument Gold has always been much in demand, thats why investing in XAUUSD and XAUEUR can be considered as profitable and reliable Trading gold on the Forex market, you provide yourself with almost the same profits you could make when investing in gold itself. Invest in silver. Silver is a perfect alternative in case youve made decision to diversify risks arising in the process of Forex trading and to protect your funds against market confusions Being much in both investors and traders demand, which is quite characteristic of all precious metal s, silver investments yield high profits Investments in silver will make you confident about the future since this metal is more stable less volatile than gold, but at the same time, it can bring considerable revenues Trading silver on the Forex market enables each client to enlarge his investment potential. Investing in platinum. Platinum trading is a good investment opportunity, thanks to low volatility and huge potential for profit. Platinum is one of the worlds most expensive metals One of the biggest consumers of platinum is the jewelry industry that accounts for nearly 50 tons of platinum per year Platinum is also widely used in medicine and, particularly, in dentistry. Platinum is considered to be a stable and liquid means of saving funds during a period of economic instability accordingly, traders can use it as a protective tool, because this metal does not fall in price as much as other assets do, in case commodity markets slump Conservative traders with big amounts of deposit are traditionally recommended to trade platinum, but besides being an investment instrument, the XPTUSD can be used for hedging. Investing in palladium. Palladium is a popular investment instrument as its widely used in the chemical industry and is irreplaceable in some sectors of the automobile industry As the automobile industry is developing, the demand for this metal and the investment interest are also increasing. The price for palladium is therefore directly dependent on changes in the development of the world industry The dollar, oil, gold rates and the price for various industrial goods also influence the pricing of palladium Thats the very reason this trading instrument is extremely popular with traders. Spreads and swaps are indicated according to the current market conditions data is recorded in the table, straight from the trading server, and is updated in real time The Company has the right to change spreads and swaps according to current market conditions, depending on the volatility of one or another financial instrument and or interest rate size, when such changes are required. Swaps are calculated at 00 00 terminal time of each working day triple swaps are calculated on the night from Wednesday to Thursday. When relevant market news is published, Stop Limit levels can increase threefold. 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Cambium Learning G roup Named 2015 REVERE Finalist In 6 Categories For Education Innovation. DALLAS, May 14, 2015 GLOBE NEWSWIRE -- Cambium Learning Group Nasdaq ABCD was recently named as a finalist in six categories for the Association of American Publishers AAP s annual REVERE Awards for education innovation Two of Cambium Learning Group s business units, ExploreLearning and Learning A-Z were honored with this distinction. The annual REVERE Awards recognize exemplary learning resources for PreK 12 students, educators, and administrators, as well as adult learners Each entry was rigorously evaluated with an emphasis on feedback from both professional educators and product developers. As an organization whose mission is to improve the achievements of all learners through innovative solutions, we are honored to be amongst the finalists in several categories for the 2015 REVERE Awards, said John Campbell, CEO of Cambium Learning Group We are pleased to see both ExploreLearning and Learning A-Z celebrated a s top teaching and learning resources. REVERE Finalist Categories for ExploreLearning. Classroom Supplemental Resources, Innovation Reflex. Classroom Supplemental Resources, Mathematics Reflex. REVERE Finalist Categories for Learning A-Z. Classroom Supplemental Resources, Reading and Language Arts Reading A-Z. Classroom Supplemental Resources, Resources for ELLs Reading A-Z. Classroom Supplemental Resources, Resources for Learners with Special Educational Needs Raz-Kids. Classroom Supplemental Resources, Science, Health, and the Environment Science A-Z. For more information about Cambium Learning Group, visit cambiumlearning. About Cambium Learning Group, Inc. Cambium Learning Group is a leading educational solutions and services company committed to helping all students reach their full potential Cambium Learning accomplishes this goal by providing evidence-based solutions and expert professional services to empower educators and raise the achievement levels of all students The company is compos ed of four business units Learning A-Z learninga-z , ExploreLearning explorelearning , Kurzweil Education kurzweiledu , and Voyager Sopris Learning voyagersopris Together, these business units provide breakthrough technology solutions for online learning and professional support best-in-class intervention and supplemental instructional materials gold-standard professional development and school-improvement services valid and reliable assessments and proven materials to support a positive and safe school environment Cambium Learning Group, Inc Nasdaq ABCD , is based in Dallas, Texas For more information, please visit cambiumlearning. ExploreLearning develops online solutions to improve student learning in math and science ExploreLearning currently has two products Gizmos the world s largest library of interactive, online simulations for math and science in grades 3-12 and Reflex the most powerful solution available for math fact fluency development Gizmos and Reflex bring research-p roven instructional strategies to classrooms around the world ExploreLearning is a Charlottesville, VA-based business unit of Cambium Learning Group, Inc Nasdaq ABCD , based in Dallas, Texas For more information about Gizmos, please visit explorelearning For more information about Reflex, please visit reflexmath. About Learning A-Z. Learning A-Z is a PreK 6 educational resource company specializing in online delivery of leveled readers and supplementary curriculum for reading, writing, and science Founded in 2002 to help teachers differentiate instruction and meet the unique needs of all students, Learning A-Z s resources are currently used in more than half of the districts across the U S and Canada, and more than 180 countries worldwide Serving a wide range of student needs, including ELL ESL, intervention, special education, and daily instruction, Learning A-Z includes Reading A-Z Raz-Kids Headsprout Science A-Z Vocabulary A-Z Writing A-Z and ReadyTest A-Z Learning A-Z is a business unit of Cambium Learning Group, Inc NASDAQ ABCD , based in Dallas, Texas For more information, please visit learninga-z. About the REVERE Awards. The REVERE Awards program, presented by the PreK 12 Learning Group of the Association of American Publishers, honors excellence across all resources for preK 12 and adult learners, educators, and administrators The program also includes The Distinguished Achievement Awards, The Innovation Awards, The Golden Lamps, and Beyond the Classroom The REVERE s wide range of categories welcomes all types of materials in any media and for any educational setting Publishing houses, nonprofit organizations, museums and cultural centers, technology firms, schools, colleges, and research societies have received awards from this program since it was founded in 1967 Read more at revereawards. About the AAP PreK 12 Learning Group. A division within the Association of American Publishers, the PreK 12 Learning Group serves its diverse membership by providing valuab le resources and industry intelligence fostering a fair, competitive, and robust market and encouraging the development of professional, quality content for teaching and learning In 2013, the School Division of the AAP merged with the Association of Educational Publishers AEP to form the PreK 12 Learning Group, which combines AAP s proven strengths in advocacy and legal affairs with AEP s successful programs for the benefit of its members Read more at aepweb. FOREX TRADING STRATEGIES - PowerPoint PPT Presentation. FOREX TRADING STRATEGIES. Forex Trading Strategies for Beginners Forex trading is becoming an increasingly popular form of investment trading If you are interested in trading on the foreign exchange market, but have little or no experience Then, investors hope that the value of the bought currency rises more than what they sold PowerPoint PPT presentation. Title FOREX TRADING STRATEGIES. Please contact get more information. exchange also called Forex market is a place. for the tradi ng buying or selling of currencies. Why Currency Trading Is Not For Everyone. Why Currency Trading Is Not For. Everyone Trading foreign exchange on margin. carries a high level of risk, and may not be. Spreads are the true cost of trading forex Opening a position results in an immediate loss Profits only occur whenever the price moves beyond the gap, known as the spread, between the buy and sell prices. The screen shows two prices, the bid and ask Novice traders understand these terms more intuitively by thinking of them as the sell and buy prices, respectively. You can think of electronic forex trading as a form of sohpisticated haggling Everyone may agree but that the price is generally X, but everyone also wants to try to shave a few pips off of the price Traders want a discount. Disagreement in the marketplace causes the bid and ask to exist If someone wants to buy euros, someone else wants to sell them and they both agree on a price, a trade occurs When a trade does not occur, which is mo st of the time, the spread reflects disagreement among the group. A trade entering the market generally causes the price to move Consider an example where someone buys dollars The dollar should rise in value to reflect the latest transaction The buy trade removes the previous ask from the market depth The next ask becomes the best available price for purchase. The other side of the market, the bid, sees the price adjust Traders typically responds by adjusting the bid in the same direction The traders offering the bid expect the price to rise That is, after all, the reason that youre able to sell Youre selling what theyre buying and youre buying what theyre selling. The movement of the price causes a reaction The people behind the bid still want to buy at a price better than the market using a limit order They also realize that the price is moving away from them A common reaction is for the bid to adjust approximately the same distance as the movement in the ask The adjustment in the sprea d is what keeps it relatively consistent. You only pay the spread once When you enter a buy trade, you enter on the ask The only way to exit that trade is by selling at the bid, a problem that occurs immediately upon entry The movement of the ask price from that point forward is completely irrelevant The ask could drop or explode upwards It doesnt matter to your trade Your trade can only exit on the bid Its the only price that counts when youre already long. One unique aspect of forex trading is that the brokers bury their commissions in the spread Say, for example, that the wholesale price of USDJPY is 76 480 on the bid and 76 485 on the ask Brokers read this type of quote 76 480 at 76 485, with the bid coming first and the ask quoted last. The broker then takes the prices and mark them up like any middle man The mark up varies between brokers Most charge an additional 1 to 2 pips per transaction. The broker faces three options when marking up the spread he can add it to the bid, the ask or he can split the difference between the two Current market conditions dictate which option is the most suitable. Although it seems like a good idea to tack half of the mark up on both sides of the bid ask spread to eliminate guessing incorrectly, this doesnt usually work out well for the broker Order flow comes in very unevenly and usually with a strong bias in one direction. I posted in the past about forex trader sentiment and how lopsided the trades of retail traders can be If the forex broker sees that 75 of the GBPUSD orders coming in are to buy, then it makes sense to heavily weight the spread cost to where all of the business is. Consider an example where the next 100 lots traded will be 75 buys and 25 sells with a 1 pip markup If the 1 pip mark up on the spread applies to only the bid, then there would only be 25 lots where the broker earns his pip Thats the dumbest thing he can do in that situation He could evenly split the markup with 0 5 pips added to the bid and 0 5 pips ad ded to the ask He would make 0 5 pips on 25 lots and 0 5 pips on 75 lots for a total of 50 pips The best scenario for the broker is to let the traders going short trade for free and to charge all of the traders going long the full pip He doesnt make anything on the short flow, but he makes 75 pips on the long traders Its clearly in his best interest to full mark up the spread in one direction whenever the order flow is uneven. Traders are on the losing end of spread markups It completely eliminates pricing transparnecy Most brokerages allow you to review within their statements the break down of profit and loss into categories Commissions and trading costs are most definitely found on every trading statement from stocks and futures brokers Not so in forex You can guess trading costs and thats it. Spread mark ups also eliminates trading opportunities A client that I visited in Dubai in 2009 absolutely loved FAP Turbo He swore up and down that it was the greatest EA that he ever bought His only complaint was that the EAs performance depended entirely on the broker He often complained the most about FXCM because they charged the largest mark ups. FAP Turbo worked by waiting for unlikely, fleeting moments of volatility in ranging pairs like the EURGBP When the price corrected, the EA sought to take the smallest of profits something on the order of 3-5 pips The problem stemmed from the fact that the mark up would cause the take profit not to hit The wholesale price would reach the limit, but because of the spread mark up, the price he was paying often missed his limit My client preferred to pay a direct commission Even though the cost was identical, the increased probability of a successful trade dramatically affected the net outcomes. Spread reflects risk and liquidity. Each currency pair usually has its own spread The spread of a currency is a function of its risk and liquidity When traders look at an exotic currency pair like the ZAR JPY or USD TKY, the first thing that th ey notice are the spreads that seem incredibly wide when compared to the pairs that theyre used to trading Thats because hardly anyone trades those pairs. The lack of interest means that anyone that makes a market in an FX pair needs to receive sufficient compensation to make it worth their while Sufficient compensation here means charging you a fat spread The low trading volume, which is called liquidity, creates a problem with risk The largest financial instruments in the world like currencies and stock indeces usually only move a few tenths of a percent per day Instruments with less trading activity almost always exhibit higher volatility Prices are more suspeptible to violent moves when fewer people participate in a market The people making a market in those currencies charge a higher premium as a consequence. Trading is a marketplace. Its important to remember that the numbers on the screen are not computer generated They are real prices that real traders offer in the market place. Th e word trade accurately describes the transaction Someone must agree to a trade before it can occur Clicking a button to buy does not assure that you get to buy an unlimited quantity at the price displayed. Individual Development Plans. Middle Main Content Area. Action Strongly encourage the use of individual development plans IDPs on all NIGMS-sponsored training and research awards. At its best, research training is an intentional and purposeful activity that is the product of a thoughtful analysis of the background, interests and needs of each student and postdoctoral trainee This includes developing a mentoring plan that assesses the needs and goals of each student and postdoc, describes short - and long-term career objectives, and identifies professional development activities needed to reach them The individual development plan IDP is a tool to help in this planning process and also to facilitate communication between mentees and mentors An IDP should be viewed as a dynamic document t hat is periodically reviewed and updated throughout an individual s training IDPs are of proven value at any stage, from the undergraduate to the postdoctoral level. The concepts of mentoring plans and IDPs are not new, but recognition of their role and effectiveness in research training is fairly recent The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology FASEB and the National Postdoctoral Association have been early proponents of the use of IDPs for postdoctoral career planning Excellent examples of IDPs can be found on the Web sites of these organizations. Custodial Forex Accounts to Tier1FX. The solution for Forex deposit security is through custodial bank accounts With our partner broker, Tier1FX, Custodial accounts are available via Dukascopy Bank, Swiss Banks affiliated with Dukascopy and Macquarie Bank in Australia. Many Forex brokers advertise segregated bank accounts however, segregated bank accounts are still under the brokers banking Segregated bank accounts can still be frozen in the event of broker insolvency This is not the case with Custodial accounts because the bank account is opened and maintained by the client The account is operated under a tripartite agreement among the client, custody bank and Tier1Fx Under the agreement Tier1FX is permitted to debit or credit the account for trading gains or losses daily This is ideal for large investors and traders looking to mitigate incidents such as the Swiss National Bank decision in Jan 2015 that made many reputable brokers such as Alpari UK, FXCM and Boston Prime insolvent. The minimum deposit for a Custodial Account is 250,000 They can be opened for individual trading accounts or investments in our MAM Please contact us below for more details and the signup process. The Scalpers Checklist. Always identify market conditions prior to trading Your strategy and entries should reflect the market Plan your risk and write your trades down to stay accountable. Traders should have a checklist to consult prio r to making any major trading decisions These steps are critical for Forex scalpers as they often have to make these choices on a moments notice To help with the process it can be helpful to keep a checklist and determine your options prior to approaching the market Today we will review the scalpers checklist Lets get started. Identify Market Conditions. The first task assigned to day traders and scalpers is to identify market conditions Is the market trending or ranging Is the volatility of an asset low or high These are both important questions that should be answer ed prior to entering into a new trade idea Not only will this help Forex traders which currency pair to trade, but also help determine their strategy Every scalper and day trader should check this off their list, prior to considering any market entries. Choose a Strategy. Once market conditions are found, traders need to identify a strategy that is congruent with the market If you are trading a trend, you will need to not onl y find market direction but also decide if you are going to trade a retracement, momentum or breakout strategy In lack of a trend, traders again need to decide how to approach pricing patterns, support resistance values, as well as potential breakouts With so many strategies to choose from, it is worth taking your time and doing your due diligence prior to checking this off your scalping list. Plan Your Entry. Next traders need to select how they are going to enter into the market Typically traders need to first determine if they will trade with market orders or entry orders Market orders allow you to trade immediately if conditions are met and you are immediately in front of your trading terminal Entry orders can be used and will execute at a designated price even if you arent watching the market. Once this is decided, traders need to evaluate which indicators if any will be used for trading In the event an indicator is added to the graph, prior to execution, plan on its use and know its strengths as well as limitations When you are 100 certain on your entry triggers then you can proceed to the next portion of the checklist. This point of our check list goes beyond the simple placement of stop and limit orders Scalpers must carefully consider how much they should risk on each trade At this point specific questions should arise How many pips are you risking per trade What is your average profit target per trade How does a stop order being executed equate to a loss on my account. While no trader wants to take a loss it is paramount to determine these values prior to scalping Once these values are set, you can mark this point off your checklist Now all you have left is to hold yourself accountable to your trading decisions. Log the Results. Traders, especially short term scalpers, have a tendency to always be looking for the next trade While looking for trading opportunities isnt a bad thing, we should also remember to go back and review past events Keeping a trading log can help us establish market patterns and reflect if your strategy is working in current conditions. To help with this process, traders should note, why, when and how they entered into a trade If your strategy is working, stick with it and keep your original strategy rules If youre trading is not working out as planned, with a log you can identify what must be changed and make appropriate adjustments. While this checklist may seem daunting at first, these are all important steps to consider before scalping To help you along the way, read through The Definitive Guide to Scalping This is a great resource to review prior to tackling some of tradings tougher challenges.---Written by Walker England, Trading Instructor. To contact Walker, email wenglandfxcm Follow me on Twitter WEnglandFX. To be added to Walkers e-mail distribution list, CLICK HERE and enter in your email information. New to the FX market Save hours in figuring out what FOREX trading is all about. Take this free 20 minute New to FX c ourse presented by DailyFX Education In the course, you will learn about the basics of a FOREX transaction, what leverage is, and how to determine an appropriate amount of leverage for your trading. DailyFX provides forex news and technical analysis on the trends that influence the global currency markets. Learn forex trading with a free practice account and trading charts from FXCM. Best Forex Trading Platform For Australian Traders. Currency trading for many Australians is a daunting investment strategy due to the introduction of new concepts from pips, leverage and forex graphs. The right forex platform is the key to making smart currency trades and ensuring they are processed at the fastest speed. 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